Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Life in Slow Motion

New David Gray album is great. If any music snobs sneer at this, you ought to know that he is influenced by Sigur Ros, and so am I so that makes us both cool. Ok!

Best TV show, don't have too much time for TV, but I made an effort to watch House. It's awesome, kind of dark and funny at the same time. Best show ever. Not just saying that because it has Hugh Laurie either.

Been making beer recently. Think it is going to turn out well. The only problem with making beer is that one has to drink lots of it to get bottles enough for the fruits of ones (and the yeasts, ,lets not forget the yeast) labors. Drinkable in about four weeks if the bottles don't explode or if bacteria don't get in and turn into vinegar.

This confused the hell (sorry 'bout the pun) out of me for about ten minutes. Can you see where I had gone wrong?




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